Many people have switched from using aspirin as a non-prescription pain killer because of the potential for bleeding and stomach problems that it can cause. A popular alternative to aspirin is
acetaminophen, another over-the-counter pain reliever.
Acetaminophen is a safe and effective pain reliever, and it has been approved for this use for decades. Millions of consumers have used it to relieve occasional pain without any problems. However, simply because a non-prescription pain reliever has been approved by the FDA does not make it entirely risk-free.
Acetaminophen, sold under the brand names Tylenol and Datril, is also available from a variety of retailers as store-branded or generic acetaminophen. It is also included in a multitude of other over-the-counter and prescription medications. Herein lies the rub: many acetaminophen overdoses occur because the consumer did not realize that another cough or cold product, or sleep aid, or prescription pain reliever also contained acetaminophen.
Acetaminophen can cause serious, potentially fatal, liver damage when taken in excess. When a person takes more acetaminophen than the body can easily eliminate, a buildup of toxic metabolites can seriously damage the liver.
To avoid a toxic overdose of acetaminophen it is important to read the label on every over-the-counter and prescription medication, and never take more than the recommended dose. Taking more than the recommended dose will not provide more or faster pain relief. Avoid taking more than one product containing acetaminophen. If you are taking a prescription pain medication check with your physician before taking any non-prescription pain reliever. The prescription medication may also contain acetaminophen.
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